Giant Pumpkin 918 Postelmans 2014

Growing The Pumpkin, 918 Postelmans 2014

Pumpkin Information for: 918 Postelmans 2014
Progeny | Family Tree | Modify | Add Photo(s)
  1. Pumpkin name: 918 Postelmans 2014 Rank: 11417 Pumpkin Damaged? No
  2. Year Grown: 2014...... Seed: 1015 Van_Der_Vennet 2012...... Pollinator: 1366 Tanner 2012
  3. OTT: 346.00...... Weight: 918.00...... Estimated Weight: 918.00...... Percent Change in Weight: 0.99
  4. Weighed At: Duisburg
    Variety: Atlantic Dill Square Footage Grown In: 450
  5. Germinated On: 01/01/2000...... Set In Garden On: 05/18/2014......
    Pollinated On: 07/16/2014...... Date Harvested: 10/03/2014 Days Old 79
  6. Number On Plant: 1...... Growth Rate: Steady.......
    Shape: ....... Stem Length: ....... Stem Thickness: ...... Uniform Shape: ......
  7. Grew larger than 1500 :0
    Grew larger than 1000: 0
    Grew larger than 500: 0
    Pumpkin Rank:11417
    Total Pollinated: 0
    Total Planted: 0
    Grew Damaged: 0
Soil and Environment
  1. Nitrogen PPM 0.00
  2. Potassium PPM 0.00
  3. Phosphorous PPM 0.00
  4. Percent of Organic Matter: 0.00
  5. Soil Type: Sandy
  6. Soil PH: 0.00
  7. Climate: Moderate
  8. Frequency Of Watering: Daily
Grower Information
  1. Last Name: Postelmans
  2. First Name: Christophe
  3. City: Hoevenen
  4. State: Germany
  5. Country: Germany
  6. Elevation: 0
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